Asha for Education is a fully volunteer-run Registered Canadian Charity with sister chapters around the world whose mission is to catalyze socio-economic change in India through the education of underprivileged children. Read more

We have worked with over 20 projects spread across the length and breadth of India. The projects deal with educational issues from pre-primary schooling to professional education in locations from urban slums to isolated rural areas. Learn more…

You can help us in our mission in a variety of ways. You can join the Canadian  chapter, get involved with projects in India at an intimate level with the Asha Stars program, help us with our fundraising efforts, and visit a project in India, donate! Learn more…

Asha Canada is the Canadian arm of Asha for Education, whose stated mission is “to catalyze socio-economic change in India through education of underprivileged children.”

The objectives of the organization are to advance education and relieve poverty by:
– providing or improving educational programs and facilities for needy children and adults in India
– providing housing, food, clothing and other basic amenities to needy children and adults in India.