20 Dollars can feed 50 Students

In the grand scheme of life – $20 for someone living in North America, is one large take out pizza with a side of 4 cans of pop.

$20 in India is a healthy meal for 50 students at a school.  It has been proven that children require a solid meal prior to attending school.  These meals help a child focus on the education they are being provided, rather than the hunger they are experiencing.  If students in our public educational institutions are being provided meals and snacks as a part of the curriculum, and healthy eating – students in India would benefit from the same.

Asha for Education Canada is working with Nethrodaya in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India to provide three healthy meals for 50 students for a full year.  Your donation of $20 will provide food for students at this organization.   Help us reach our target of $3,000 per month to help visually impaired students have a healthy balanced diet while studying to become successful in their own lives.

Please donate!

You can donate a one time meal through Paypal, or set up a re-occurring payment using Canada Helps

Asha for Education Canada is a registered Canadian Charity with the Canada Revenue Agency, which provides education to underprivileged and impoverished students in India.



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